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Recognizing employee success the right way

Robert Dumigan

Solutions Consultant

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Robert Dumigan

Solutions Consultant

Workvivo’s employee communication and engagement platform provides several powerful ways to give and show public recognition.

  • Public Shout Outs
  • Our Award System
  • Badge accreditation

Rob Dumigan will take only 15 minutes of your time to walk through these simple features that have such a powerful impact on your organization’s culture. It’s never been more important to recognize the value of the workforce and to do so in a public forum.

Recognition that is not delivered in the right way, is a wasted opportunity to elevate engagement. It sounds so simple and obvious, but when we look at the details of the recognition programs many organizations have in place, they are not spontaneous –  often requiring layers of unnecessary approval.

They also don’t support the linking of recognition to organizational purpose and goals, and very often there are no notifications sent when recognition is given and received so that the recipient’s peers have no awareness of the achievement.

Email and messaging were not designed for this. Workvivo is.